vyaapaar men lee huee mudra example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण

Given are the examples of hindi word vyaapaar men lee huee mudra usage in english sentences. The examples of vyaapaar men lee huee mudra are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., taking.

Management is a very popular term and has been used extensively for all types of activities and mainly for taking charge of different activities in any enterprise.

The task of controlling involves establishing standards of performance, measuring current performance, comparing this with established standards and taking corrective action where any deviation is found.
After taking a meal, he felt that he had regained energy.
These changes have resulted in creating greater opportunities for taking up newer challenges for young recruits work and for performance based on IT enabled systems and high levels of automation.
These statements provide financial data which require analysis, comparison and interpretation for taking decision by the external as well as internal users of accounting information.
Although accounting ratios are calculated by taking data from financial statements but classification of ratios on the basis of financial statements is rarely used in practice.
Grain Banks are now slowly taking shape in different parts of Maharashtra.
iking 1 was launched on 20 August 1975 and arrived at Mars on 19 June 197 iking 2 was launched on 9 September 1975 and entered Mars orbit on 7 August 197 Besides taking photographs and collecting other science data on the Martian surface, the two landers conducted three biology experiments to look for possible signs of life.
Since the top men of The Hindu were taking the initiative, the surmise was that the poet was the editor of a daily but not from The Manchester Guardian or the London Times.
More and more nomadic herdsmen are taking to city life finding jobs in oil and gas operations.
संबंधित शब्द व्यापार में ली हुई मुद्रा के पर्यायवाची

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